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Data for sustainability

✔︎ Carbon footprint
✔︎ live dashboard
✔︎ Emissions reduction

Our vision

Sustainability, the next step in evolution


Humanity's survival has always depended on its ability to adapt to its environment. This same ability allows entrepreneurs to seize opportunities, differentiate themselves and grow.


Instead of viewing sustainability as a limitation, it is more fitting to embrace it as an opportunity that enables us to seamlessly align with emerging regulations.

Added value

Traditional business value chain analysis is becoming increasingly obsolete. As example, a ski resort is heavily dependent on winter precipitation.


The objective extends beyond mere measurement to encompass the decisions and actions that follow. Therefore, the sustainability approach must be effective, leveraging existing data to its fullest potential.


Sustainability data should be integrated at the same way as revenue or margin and analyzed with the same frequency to ensure wise decision-making.


By converting this data into a carbon footprint, we can make informed decisions to adopt sustainable and cost-effective alternatives.

Why embrace sustainability

Your benefits of adopting a more sustainable vision

Increase profitability

According to Bob Willard's research, adopting sustainable practices can increase profits by 51% to 81% within 3 to 5 years.

Improve employer image

Younger generations are looking for meaningful work, and 40% of them choose jobs focused on sustainability.

Increase sales

The Harvard Business Review notes that sustainable products experience sales growth 5.6 times faster than non-sustainable products.

Increase customer loyalty

88% of consumers in the US and UK expect brands to support sustainable living.

Increase market share

Even traditionally polluting industries, such as oil and aviation, are embracing carbon reduction.

Attract investors

Major investors are gradually withdrawing from polluting industries.

How to embrace sustainability

Your first steps, calculate your carbon footprint effectively

Leverage your existing data
Rather than starting from scratch, leverage the data you have, such as your accounting transactions, delivery records, or information from your cash register or ERP system:
Connect your existing data via upload (CSV, xls...) or secure

Control what information is shared and determine the level of detail

you want.

Schedule update frequency or opt for real-time tracking

via API.

If data is missing, we help you collect it, for example by organizing a simple survey to assess your employees' modes of transportation.​

Automatically categorize
We automatically classify your data according to the standards of the GHG Protocol, the carbon footprint (ADEME), and the ISO 14064 standard:
Save significant time by automatically categorizing your data using our intelligent algorithm.

Avoid duplicates or choose to “block” certain data to exploit another


Integrate your own categories and dimensions, such as your departments, projects, locations, suppliers, customers, etc.​

Finding the right “match”
With our diverse databases of emission factors and assumptions, quickly find the "right match" to associate each activity with the appropriate emission factor:
We have centralized all emission factors, whether generic, specific, or location-based.

Thanks to our intelligent algorithm, save considerable time by validating our emission factor proposals.

Our climate experts then review these associations to ensure a compliant calculation.​

Each result is accompanied by a “confidence index” to track assumptions and segment your results.​

Visualize your carbon footprint
Once your data is consolidated and associated with the appropriate emission factors, the calculation is carried out and presented according to the categories compliant with the standards of the GHG Protocol, the carbon footprint (ADEME), and the ISO 14064 standard:
Instantly calculate your carbon emissions without risk of error and without additional effort.

View results by standard categories or your own


Access specific data to track your emissions and make the right


Build a Net-zero plan
We help you develop a realistic and ambitious CO₂ emissions reduction plan that can transform your operations:
Compare year-over-year results against your initial targets and identify areas for improvement.

Submit a reduction plan that complies with current regulations

(e.g. SBTi).

Receive financial support from various organizations that encourage sustainable transformation initiatives.​

Science Based Targets (SBT) are a standardized and widely recognized method worldwide, allowing companies to set credible climate protection targets. SBTi was born from the collaboration between several major institutions

  • The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), which collects and publishes companies’ GHG emissions.

  • The United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), which offers companies a framework for commitment based on 10 fundamental principles of sustainable development (economic, social and environmental).

  • The World Resources Institute (WRI), a research organization focused on economic and environmental issues in business.

Leverage your results and become compliant
Given the growing needs of CSR regulatory requirements, you can improve your competitiveness and prepare for the future:
Start a certification process through your carbon footprint tracking and reduction plan.

Communicate your sustainability commitments to comply with international regulations (CSRD).

Provide your customers with a carbon footprint linked to your services to differentiate yourself.​

Since we already integrate your own carbon footprint activities, adding your customers’ or suppliers’ data requires minimal effort. Reports are standardized, with the ability to add a second layer of assumptions for each customer.

What actions to take?

We help you identify the measures needed to implement your greenhouse gas reduction plan

Energy efficiency

Implement high-efficiency lighting, heating, and cooling systems, such as LED lighting, smart thermostats, and energy-efficient appliances. These initiatives can reduce energy consumption by 20 to 30 percent, depending on current infrastructure.

Waste reduction and recycling

Implement waste reduction strategies, such as minimizing single-use plastics, composting organic waste, and strengthening recycling programs. These actions can significantly reduce carbon footprint and environmental impact.

Emissions compensation

For unavoidable emissions, invest in offset projects, such as reforestation or renewable energy initiatives, to neutralize remaining emissions.

Adoption of renewable energy

Invest in renewable energy sources, such as solar panels, to power your facilities. This can significantly reduce carbon emissions or even achieve 100% renewable consumption, eliminating the energy-related carbon footprint.

Reducing transport emissions

Promote the use of public transport, carpooling or electric vehicles with incentives such as subsidies or reserved parking spaces. Optimize transport logistics and routes to minimize operational emissions.

Sustainable sourcing

Favor suppliers and service providers who adopt sustainable practices, using local materials, low-impact catering options and eco-friendly products.

Start your sustainability journey

Find out more and discover how we can help you reduce your environmental impact.

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